Jade & Cory | Engagement Photos in Downtown Portland, OR

October 26, 2011

When Cory looks at Jade, he can’t help but smile. It’s true – The proof is in these pictures, along with about a thousand giggles inbetween takes.

I don’t know if I’ve ever met a couple that was so like us. Jade is a photographer with a gluten-intolerance; Cory is a musician with an affinity for unleashing South Park impressions in public (to which Jade groans at). See? So like us! I love it!

We met up with the stunning couple for a trot around the downtown area, revisiting some of their old haunts from the college years.

Don’t let Cory’s dapper appearance and tie-shushing fool you – deep down, he’s a big ol’ goofball. Jade is a million shades of gorgeous but there’s a goofball in her, too. Which, if you ask me, just adds an extra layer of beauty.

The below black-and-white was taken after asking Cory what his all-time favorite South Park episode is. For the sake of keeping this blog family friendly, I won’t publish his answer. ;)

Like every good Portlander, Jade and Cory are huge Powell’s Books fans and have spent many a date at the World Cup Cafe and in the Rare Books Room. It was only fitting that we fired off a few shots inside the landmark bookstore (until we got a very nice talking-to, where they even said we could totally keep taking photos but it still made me shrivel up like a weenie from the inside-out!).

After almost two hours of traipsing around the Pearl, Jade was still down for some jump shots. Talk about fierce! And if you think for a second that these high-fives were faked, you’ve got another thing comin’.

Not pictured: the chest bump that followed the high-fives.

A heart full of thanks to Jade and Cory for a spectacular afternoon. I think this just might be the beginning of a bea-YOO-tiful friendship. :)

Photos 2, 12, 14, 21, 25, 39, 45 and 51 shot by Chris

I just spent the past hour on your site going through all your beautiful works of art!! You’re an amazing photographer! Because of your work I have decided to purchase a film camera! Can I ask which camera these were taken with? <3

Thanks so much, Shelby! This session was actually shot with a digital camera, but these days when I shoot film it’s either on my Contax Aria, Rolleiflex, or Polaroid SX70. Good luck!

I have literally spent past 2 hours on your website admiring the diversity, quirkiness and talent of your photographs. I am an intermediate photographer who is truly inspired and in awe of your skill and aspire to someday be as fluid and amazing as you are in my photography sessions. Feel free to email me anytime…id love a friend with similar nerdiness and hobbies :) Have a great day and keep up the fantastic work

[…] thanks to Kim Miller for our beautiful engagement photographs and A.J. Meeker for our lovely wedding […]

I love the photos of them in the air. Beautiful work!

[…] might remember Jade and Cory from their engagement session we did back in the Fall, which is where we met for the first time. Truly, it was the start of a […]

these are totally gorgeous

[…] we decided to this year. I surprised Cory with a card (which I knew would make him laugh/cry) and our engagement photos, framed. We had yet to order prints of any so I ordered our favorites: two framed black and white […]

[…] care! This year was a special year for us and I wanted to be able to share our happiness and gorgeous engagement photos with our family and friends. We mailed them off on Tuesday, just in time to arrive for […]

Wonderful portraits that are completely deserving of such of a beautiful couple. I’ve followed Jade’s photography too, and love how your photos celebrate and compliment her unique artistry. I don’t know Cory that well but he’s obviously a cool dude too. Many congratulations to Jade + Cory, and triple kudos for the excellent photos.

Wow, these are all so incredible. Must have been a treat to shoot Jade and Cory! My wife and I always say that Jade is so beautiful we keep forgetting she’s not a celebrity. But I suppose she is one, to us anyway. Heeh.
I love this series. Such a bright look and yet colorful and detailed at the same time. Great work!

I’m drooling! hehe They are SUCH an adorable couple! And Portland looks SOOOO beautiful. There’s a small part of me wishing I were going to Portland next month instead of Seattle. hehe And Kim, I love watching your talent grow!

Too many favorites to mention. Every shoot you’re doing is just as amazing as the next. I so hope you’re shooting their wedding, it’s going to look amazing. Beautiful job, Kim! Congrats to Jade and Cory.

Kimmm! These look great! I was going to tell you my favorites, but there are just too many! Great tones, love the colors.

Guh! Textures, colours, FRESH tones…I never know where to begin. Such a beautiful post!

Woah, awesome shoot! I follow Jade on Flickr as well, she is so pretty! And these pictures really show how happy they are. Also, LOVE the yellow leaves on that tree <3 Such a pretty background.

I love this couple so much! I have followed Jade & her work on Flickr for years now. BEAUTIFUL couple & SO happy for them. YaY!!

Beutiful photography work too ;-)

I am at a loss of words to describe what joy these pictures bring to Cory and I. He got home last night at midnight from work and we snuggled in bed with my laptop and went through every single picture and talked about what we loved about each one. Being able to have Cory’s smiling face, the face I get to see when we are laughing together, in a photograph floors me!

You need to email me your and Chris’ address! Cory and I have a little thank you to send you two! :D

So this makes me desperately want to live in portland. I know it’s about those two gorgeous people and all… but it’s about the everything… and i guess they make it extra-cool!

Oh yes, even as citizens of Portland you can be sure that all four of us were falling hard for the scenery we were happening upon! I believe Jade and I spent a good few minutes just saying, “The GREY… and the YELLOW!!” haha. :)

these are STUNNERS. good lord. i’m swooning hard too.

Okay I went back and counted because I’m weird like that. It’s the 34th picture shown!!!

hehe :) That one, and the one directly below it, are two of my faves, too! They’re such a sweet couple. I can’t wait for the six of us to get together someday! Can you imagine the fun we’d have?

Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my GOOOOSSSHHH.
These are SOOOO amazing.

This one is my favorite: Cory Jade “27” is my absolute favorite (though it was hard to choose).

Love love love love love! You did SUCH a great job capturing how happy they are (and dayuuum, how gorgeous is Jade?). And the backdrop of the fall leaves — I’m swooning here.

Also, I am literally watching the latest episode of South Park as I pulled up your blog. Just sayin’.

Thanks Jacqueline! I definitely had it easy given the fact that this is the most beautiful time of year in Portland AND that I had such awesome clients in front of the camera!

And HUZZAH! for fellow South Park lovers!