North Beach

May 15, 2011

Even though it was the “obvious” thing to do, I enjoyed our little stroll through North Beach in San Francisco. I’d never really heard of City Lights or Vesuvio (I’m painfully unhip, to be honest) but the ambiance was undeniably awe-inspiring.

That short break we took in the upstairs of Vesuvio, sharing a coke and chartreuse while chatting and people-watching out the window, are some of my most cherished moments from the trip. Simple. Relaxing. Nothin’ to it.

Camera: Rolleiflex 2.8C
Film: Fuji Reala 100; Kodak Portra 400VC
Scanned from negatives developed by Blue Moon Camera & Machine

Intimate. Warm. Beautiful.

Hi, Kim,

Great environmental images. Are you using your actions on any of them?


Thank you, Karla! I don’t usually run actions over photos shot on film other than “Simpler Simon,” which is basically just a curves adjustment set to Soft Light.