A Woodsy Campground Wedding
We have a running joke around here that Robin keeps me locked in her basement, only letting me out when she needs photos taken. Because by the time Robin and Erik’s wedding rolled up this summer I’d already shot press photos for both Robin as well as Erik’s group, Grand Lake Islands several times, traveled through Italy with Robin’s band as her tour photographer and snapped some pretty adorable engagement photos in Mt. Tabor.
Maybe it’s the Stockholm Syndrome talking here, but I’m sad we’ve exhausted our potential sessions for now and don’t have anything else lined up. Shooting Robin and Erik’s wedding was like the grand finale of an epic marathon of working together, and I’ve never been more captivated by how much these two care so deeply for their community. It’s rare to meet people so selfless, whose main concern on their wedding day truly is making sure everyone else is taken care of. When I asked them to close their eyes and envision what they’re most excited about on their wedding day, they simply said “Seeing all of our friends in one room.”
And so it is.