How To Be A Girl

March 27, 2011

I’ve been getting lessons from my friend/hairdresser/coworker on how to be a girl, a lesson I seriously missed out on in my formative years.

It all started last week with a little haircut – okay, not so little, really. It was my first serious snip in over 3 years! Though I’m no stranger to crazy hairstyles (I had mohawks all through high school) it was still really hard saying goodbye to my long ponytail.

Thankfully I’ve got some great friends who helped turn it into a fun day. A blessing, since I’m pretty sure I’ve fulfilled my lifelong quota of Regretful Haircuts (again, with the mohawks ;).

The more I thought about it, though, (“it” being the rat’s nest I end up with should I even think of letting my hair down) the more I realized it was time to say goodbye. We eased into the momentous occasion with a little girl’s afternoon – goofing and snacking, basically, but once we got to the salon there was no more putting off the inevitable!

We hacked off about 12″ on the shorter side, 10″ on the longer – just enough so I can mail it in as a donation to Locks of Love! The back is so short, it feels incredible to run my hands through. If you follow me on Tumblr, you already know that I was looking towards Rihanna for my hairspiration. Asymmetry for the win!

The great irony is that I cut my hair off because it was becoming too high-maintenance and now, not even a work week later, I’m slowly learning all about root lifter, straighteners, and all kinds of other crazy junk I don’t even know the words for!

But I love my new ‘do and I can’t thank Whitney enough for doing such an amazing job. She truly took care of me, asked lots of questions and made sure I got exactly what I wanted. Her salon’s a rented space part of a larger business in Milwaukie, and she operates mostly by word-of-mouth. If you’re in the Portland area and in need of a good hairdresser, I can absolutely help you get in touch with her.

Also, thanks to the non-hairdressing Whitney for snapping some shots while I was in the hot seat!

Camera: Nikon D700
Lens: Nikkor 50mm f/1.8
Actions: Simpler Simon
Available through K. Miller Actions.

I LOVE IT! It’s so professional! (Which is probably a weird thing to say but it’s why I’ve considered chopping mine!) I was watching Life Unexpected (yes, I admitted that out loud- what can I say, I’ve been a Shiri fan since Roswell.) and she totally rocks the short professional cut and I’ve honestly been considering it!

Though I think it’s great to donate it too, so I might wait a little longer so I can.


No, I totally get it – I was feeling a tad “young” with my longer hair. Especially since the temptation to braid them in pigtails was hard to resist come summer time. Also, no need to feel embarrassed because I have no idea what Life Unexpected is! So no judgment here. :)

I remember when you posted that shot with your hair tucked underneath that hat and we all went apeshit thinking you’d hacked it off – it looked SO adorable. You will rock the bob, too, no bout adout it.

Beautiful! I love the cut…so fun! I wish I could do something like that with my hair but it’s just too curly and I have a really hard time trusting people to cut it…let alone cut it all fancy. hehe Thanks for sharing!

It looks aaaaaawesome!! I think this suits you a lot better, it’s more spicy, more you! :) I know ‘more you’ sounds incredibly lame, but I mean it in a positive way hahah. Like, your hair is a little different now, just as you are! :)

hehe, I totally get what you mean. Thank you, Angelica!

Cute cut! It’s always good when
you’ve got friends who can always
encourage you to take that leap!

sweet!! it reminds me of my asymmetrical cut hehe. i love the new look!

I love that you got them to jump outside there ^_^ The haircut looks turrrrriffic!

it looks so so lovely, definitely suits you!

I love the new ‘do! Looks great on you :D

gorgeous! I love it!

Looks absolutely wonderful! It’s stylish and feminine and I love that it has a little bit of edge. Short hair is SO much more manageable… I don’t think I could ever go back to having mine long.

Super cute!