Sixth Annual Water Gun Fight

October 20, 2016

All right. I’m gonna make this quick because I’m currently sitting on the couch tapping away at my keyboard with icicles for fingers and I’m worried any keystroke could be my last. It’s been six years now and quite the rotating cast of fresh and familiar faces. This year we welcomed Bernie into the fold, our first true newcomer who had seen photos from previous years and emailed me about the event. Hopefully he isn’t the last; it’s always been my dream to have this annual squirt gun fight someday end up bigger than my friend circle.

It’s too soon to be planning the next tumble through the park, but if you’re in Portland next July and looking for a way to cool down, keep your ears to the ground. We’d love to see you out on the battlefield.

Previous years: 5th Annual | 4th Annual | 3rd Annual | 2nd Annual | 1st Annual


That picture of my husband (Bernie) with that big grin is officially my FAVORITE photo of him ever! He was so happy to go last year and is checking constantly to see when the next one will be.

I always love these events! The before and after (or during) in this year’s set is genius!