When Cory looks at Jade, he can’t help but smile. It’s true – The proof is in these pictures, along with about a thousand giggles inbetween takes.
I don’t know if I’ve ever met a couple that was so like us. Jade is a photographer with a gluten-intolerance; Cory is a musician with an affinity for unleashing South Park impressions in public (to which Jade groans at). See? So like us! I love it!
We met up with the stunning couple for a trot around the downtown area, revisiting some of their old haunts from the college years.
Don’t let Cory’s dapper appearance and tie-shushing fool you – deep down, he’s a big ol’ goofball. Jade is a million shades of gorgeous but there’s a goofball in her, too. Which, if you ask me, just adds an extra layer of beauty.
The below black-and-white was taken after asking Cory what his all-time favorite South Park episode is. For the sake of keeping this blog family friendly, I won’t publish his answer. ;)
Like every good Portlander, Jade and Cory are huge Powell’s Books fans and have spent many a date at the World Cup Cafe and in the Rare Books Room. It was only fitting that we fired off a few shots inside the landmark bookstore (until we got a very nice talking-to, where they even said we could totally keep taking photos but it still made me shrivel up like a weenie from the inside-out!).
After almost two hours of traipsing around the Pearl, Jade was still down for some jump shots. Talk about fierce! And if you think for a second that these high-fives were faked, you’ve got another thing comin’.
Not pictured: the chest bump that followed the high-fives.
A heart full of thanks to Jade and Cory for a spectacular afternoon. I think this just might be the beginning of a bea-YOO-tiful friendship. :)

I just spent the past hour on your site going through all your beautiful works of art!! You’re an amazing photographer! Because of your work I have decided to purchase a film camera! Can I ask which camera these were taken with? <3
Thanks so much, Shelby! This session was actually shot with a digital camera, but these days when I shoot film it’s either on my Contax Aria, Rolleiflex, or Polaroid SX70. Good luck!