Franny’s Favorite Spaces

January 14, 2012

A photographic list of Franny’s favorite spaces to chill for a minute or sixty:

Kitten Sitting in Bathroom Sink

Tabby Kitten Napping in Papasan

Kitten Napping by Window

Kitten with Catnip Mouse

  1. The bathroom sink
  2. The papasan
  3. My office chair
  4. The bed, next to the window
  5. Anywhere that Chris is

Happy Caturday!


What a cutie! I LOVE the expression you captured while he’s laying on the bed. What is it with cats and sinks? Mine does that too from time to time…maybe they just like the enclosed space feeling.

I love it when cats rest their heads on surfaces. I thought maybe Alice picked it up from Cider as it’s a recent thing of hers but apparently not!

All your picture is very lovely

So, so sweet. Love how she rests her head on the pillow. :)

Haha, I love how cats are always drawn toward sinks. Great series! I look forward to even more!

Oh my gosh, I love the picture of her on the bed by the window. I mean, I love them all, but the one with her chin is just like- it’s so clear she’s thinking something! I want to know what!

In that second to last photo, by the window, she has such a human expression in her eyes! She could be a bored teenager on a Saturday afternoon, who’s waiting for her friends to call her about a trip to the mall.